Preliminary discussion of the “Mongolian Economic Forum 2022” was held on the topic of “Port Revival”.
Within the framework of the revival policy, five main goals have been set for the development of roads, transportation and port infrastructure that include complete gradual connection of border crossings by rail and paved roads thus improving freight traffic and encouraging competitiveness in transportation and logistics field. In addition, based on the concept of regional development of Mongolia, increase trade turnover through the gradual establishment of free economic zones and dry ports, improve the use of airspace, increase the number of transit flights, gradually implement air transport liberalization, establish freight hubs and aims to promote tourism.
At the beginning of the discussion, Minister L.Khaltar presented on “Border Infrastructure Connection” and introduced on the sectoral policies. Minister said that “Last year, a project to build a 1,255 km Artssuuri-Nariinsukhait-Shiveekhuren railway was included in the State Policy on Railway Development approved by the Government of Mongolia. In addition, there are Bogd-Khan bypass railway project, railway rehabilitation works, Khuut-Choibalsan-Khuut-Bichigt western vertical arterial railway line, Zuunbayan-Khangi, Tavantolgoi-Zuunbayan, Tavan Tolgoi-Gashuunsukhait railway projects. With the commissioning of these railways, Mongolia's exports will increase, economic growth will be spurred and about 230 mining areas along the route will be commercialized, creating 13,000 permanent jobs and 23,000 temporary jobs”.
In the road sector, 15 border ports will be connected by paved roads. Connecting border ports with paved roads will double the number of passengers and vehicles, develop cross-border tourism, enable export of 25 million tons of mining products and triple the amount of coal transported.
In the aviation sector, there are currently four airports in Mongolia. In addition, three airports will be added as permanent airports. In the future, it will be possible to connect the flow of freight, transport and passengers, especially to the main tourism areas. This will enable flights to more than 150 cities in about 20 countries, including Russia, the Czech Republic and China, and increase passenger and freight traffic and support decentralization.
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